​South Beloit Waste
Water Department
100 Perry Avenue
South Beloit, IL 61080
M-F 7:00AM-3:30PM
Billing: 815-389-3070
​South Beloit
Public Works
851 Doner Drive
South Beloit, IL 61080
Pay Your Sewer Bill
City of South Beloit
City Hall
519 Blackhawk Blvd. Ste 2, South Beloit, IL 61080
In Person
During normal business
hours or via drop box.
519 Blackhawk Blvd.
South Beloit, IL 61080
Note: Due date is 5pm last business day of the month. Bill payment can still be made up to midnight the last day of the month through the other offered ways of payment.
Water Utility
Illinois American Water
Electric & Gas Utility
Rock Energy Co-Op
Waste Water Department
The City of South Beloit is a member of Rock River Watershed Group, an organization with a mission to bring together a diverse coalition of stakeholders to work together to preserve an/or enhance water quality in the Rock River watershed.
To Report Stormwater issues:
Stormwater IEPA Documents
Annual Facility Inspection Reports

Tips and Reminders from Wastewater Management
Sewer backup damage may not automatically be covered by your home owners, or renters insurance policy.
Please check with your insurance agent and ask if you are covered for sewer backups. Special endorsements can be added to your policy.

Streets Department Responsibilities
Street Sweeping
Catch basin maintenance / restoration
Snow plowing and removal
Alley grading
Pavement Repair/Replacement
Mowing and maintaining city property, including parks, and tree trimming
Installation and maintenance of street signs
Maintenance of city owned building
Salt streets, alleys, parking lots and sidewalks
Patch and repair asphalt streets using hot and cold mix asphalt, fill potholes, seal cracks, and pour concrete
Maintain and unplug storm sewers
Paint crosswalk, center line, and parking lanes
Installation and maintenance of traffic and other regulatory signs
Vehicle maintenance for ALL other departments
Employment Opportunities
Come Grow With Us!
The City Of South Beloit is always looking for individuals to join our team. Employment opportunities are posted on Indeed, our website and Facebook page.

Snow Emergency Procedures
When snow fall has accumulated to one inch or produces hazardous conditions to the motoring public, a snow emergency is declared.
Owners of vehicles parked on the roadway must remove the vehicle(s) immediately.
Non-compliance will result in the owner being fined $75.00 and/or towed at the owner’s expense by the Police Department.
(South Beloit City Ordinance Sec. 102-49)