Adam Truman
Chief Of Police
519 Blackhawk Blvd,
South Beloit, IL
Phone: 815-389-3491
Emergency: 911
South Beloit Police
Facebook Page
A Message From
Police Chief Adam Truman
The South Beloit Police Department is a nationally recognized law enforcement agency dedicated to providing professional police services to the community. The South Beloit Police Department is staffed by some of the brightest, most qualified, and well trained police officers in the area. The men and women of this department are sincerely interested in providing the highest level of service possible to the community.
I continue to be exceedingly proud of the accomplishments of my staff and their dedication to delivering quality services. We will continue to train and educate our officers to develop partnerships and exceed the level of service you have come to expect and deserve.
Through our cooperative efforts, the police department will continue striving to make the City of South Beloit a better place to live, work, and raise a family.
South Beloit Police
Chief Adam Truman

Snow Emergency Procedures
When snow fall has accumulated to one inch or produces hazardous conditions to the motoring public, a snow emergency is declared.
Owners of vehicles parked on the roadway must remove the vehicle(s) immediately.
Non-compliance will result in the owner being fined $75.00 and/or towed at the owner’s expense by the Police Department.
(South Beloit City Ordinance Sec. 102-49)